Every single day this week, it has snowed. Big, white, fluffy snowflakes keep floating down from above. I have actually been enjoying it this year. Maybe it has something to do with not having to drive in it. I did get an international drivers license in case I needed it, but I have no intention of using it if I can avoid it. I am actually enjoying the snow this year, even though I have to walk what I imagine to be great distances in it. This morning I woke at three to a soft soughing at my window. When I looked to see what it was, I was greeted with this delightful image. The snow had made ghosts of the apple trees in the back yard. 

In the morning the snow was frozen to the tree branches. I am not sure if it was actually frozen or simply balanced ever so delicately. It was a light snow and so it just stayed there on the branches. It sparkled in the morning sun. I actually enjoyed waiting for the bus to take me to school.
It is always interesting to watch the traffic go by as I wait. This morning there were several gentlemen on bicycles on their way out for the morning. They are usually rather well dressed as they cycle their way to their destination.

Along comes a stack truck laden with logs for the lumber mills. He careens around the bend as if his life depended on it. I can only imagine what would happen if it went end-for-end. Logs would be flying everywhere. As it is he is taking up most of the road. It is scary being a pedestrian here, although no one ever seems to get hurt.
And, of course, the horse and carts. They are out in force today. They seem quite happy to be prancing down the road in the frosty air. Steam rushes from their nostrils as they breathe. This one looks especially sprightly as he clatters down the road. The winter shoes have studs on them similar to those on snow tires (for those of us who remember them). He trots down the road with his tassels and mane swinging back and forth to the rhythm of his trot. The bus takes us down the road that follows the Humor River. It is very low this time of year, but they say it will be another thing entirely in the spring when the snow melts in the mountains.

When we get into town, this coat takes my eye. It is quite elegant. Many of the ladies here wear fur coats, the real thing, because they keep you very warm. This one is exceptionally stunning.
All too soon it is time to go to class. I shall be thinking of after school when I can enjoy the snow again.
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