Finally, the canteen was blessed. Then we turned to the delicious hors d'oevres and wines on the table. There was regional blueberry wine, an excellent Romanian wine, twika, and I lost track what else. All very good. I tasted each one to be sure. The Romanian wine was especially good. My glass was kept full as the dinner arrived. Wonderful roast pork and vegetables. Then dessert. Can you imagine that I could not finish it because I simply had no room for it!! This was a splendid affair.
Throughout dinner there was a three piece band playing traditional music. Each of the band members had graduated from Alexandru cel Bun and so it was old home week for them. They really were quite good. As the dinner dishes were cleared away the Director took to the dance floor and started the evening's festivities. We danced the rest of the night away.
And then we all had 8 o'clock classes in the
morning. I am getting to
thoroughly enjoy this Romanian system of education.
1 comment:
I am working on a project looking at schools in Romania and the rest of Eastern Europe. I am specifically looking at schools which have canteen facilities and serve food to students. I will also be looking at canteens in all public places for instance work, hospitals and prisons.
Any contacts or leads would be great,
Kind Regards,
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