The stage lights lit up the square. For my theatre friends, check out the number of smart lights. As I recall, they are a thousand or two a piece. This guy stood here all night long panning the stage manually with this intricately balanced, counter-weighted tripod. I cannot even imagine the amount of money they have tied up in equipment. Sadly, the lead singer was off-key for most of the night.
Not bad for such a scruffy looking group. We ran into them a few days later at the Opera. They had not improved their appearance in the least. No wonder Americans are looked on so poorly in other countries. We were able to pick them out of the crowd instantly without hearing their American English at first. They were loud and didn't take notice anyone around them as they were obviously the center of their own universe.
I am not sure what this says. It is Portuguese from South America and appears to be an ad. I can not figure out how to remove it, so please just ignore it. S
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