Thursday, November 15, 2007

St Michael and St Gabriel Day

Thursday was Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel's Day. I do not celebrate saint days as a rule and so I didn't think much of it. I found that only seven of fourteen students showed up to my first hour class and nine of thirty-one to my second hour class. I understood that the other students had stayed home because it was a holiday of sorts. Those who were in school were only there half-heartedly. The twelfth formers were studying for the driver's test on Tuesday and the rest were celebrating name days. Apparently, if you are named Mihai, Miheala, Gabriel, or Gabriela, it is your duty to bring chocolate to celebrate your name day.

As it happens, my day is over at noon today. Every day at 11 there is five minutes added to the ten minute break and there are excellent bread rounds that they call bagels available for everyone. This is what comprises lunch most days. I have managed to lose twenty-two pounds so far. None of my clothes really fit anymore but I am determined to save the money and wear them anyway.

Back to the Saints day. I went into the teachers' work room to drop off one attendance book and pick up another and grab a bagel for sustenance. I find a huge spread laid out complete with white wine and scotch. I would be fired at home. Everyone indulges. There is music blaring and the food is excellent. Soon it is a full-fledged cocktail party in full swing.

As it is considered rude to be in class when the bell rings, I have gotten into the habit of waiting for about half the teachers to go and then I go to class. The bell rings. Nobody starts packing up to go to class. Nobody leaves. I watch but it looks like they are all settled in for a while. I ask another teacher what is going on. She tells me that all the students have gone home and to have some ham and cheese.
Finally, when there are only ten minutes left of the hour, a few teachers begin to head out. I gather my books for class but someone tells me they are going home, not to class. I stay a little longer and then I go home also. What an odd day.

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