Sunday, September 16, 2007

My return trip was rather uneventful. My luggage did not make the connection through Prague, which meant I did not have to schlep it to the hotel and back. I thought that was rather thoughtful of them. It was there in the morning in time for me to bring it home.

I actually passed up the opportunity to spend an additional day in Düsseldorf. The old town seems to be many city blocks of open-air bars. The drinking age is apparently under thirty exclusively. It is also requisite that those who imbibe be male and obnoxious. I spent the afternoon down by the Rhine River, no restaurants. I expected a huge, beautiful river with a lovely skyline, but that is not what I found. There were only two beer tents on the riverfront - at least Fosters was represented here. The tents were way back from the river on an ugly cement slab. I wandered along the wharf until I found a spot to sit and dangle my feet with all the other low-lifes.

I am amazed that barges can ply this river. On the far bank the shoals come almost halfway across. The nearer part of the river is busy with all the other boats. There were a few pleasure boats. Mostly there are barges. Huge barges. I am surprised that they don't run aground. Almost every one of them had a really nice car and boat tied onto the stern and a huge crane to put them ashore wherever they would like. One couple was having lunch in the glassed-in captain's roost. A white-coated waiter was serving. There must be plenty of money in plying the river. It is certainly not the sort of river Mark Twain talked about.

Needless to say, I have been home for a few days. Had to move my mom to new digs. Thanks to Jim, my son ,Nick, and a former student, Jennifer who is headed to the Navy today, it is accomplished. The new house for Cristina and her family is nearly ready. I was initially afraid that there would not be enough furniture. Now I am afraid that they will not be able to walk around. There are four beds, about a hundred sets of plates and silverware. Two couches, four living room chairs. Two kitchen tables and chairs. Two outside fire pit contraptions. I don't think they will be wanting for much.

They will be here on Friday!!! I am leaving on Tuesday for orientation in Washington. I am not sure I am going to have it together. Maybe I will just take my unpacked suitcase from Vilnius...

It is nice to be home in one piece and not having too much trouble readjusting to life in America. I have to admit to having been out for ice cream every single day since returning. Twice yesterday - moving is hard work and requires sustenance.

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