I attended the first staff meeting in Gura Humorului. It was like many others I have attended. We all want to be anywhere else. At this first meeting, everyone is catching up with summer happenings. Soon the director arrives, speech in hand, and begins the meeting. We listened to a listing of who has which form cla

ss, who is new to the staff, who earned honors in the past year, who had new duties this year – lots of lists. Then Mihaela, the director, invited us to join her in a toast to the coming year in the hall. The national drink is a blueberry liquor served full of blueberries. Can you imagine the phone calls if we did this at home??
I felt right at home as I walked to the bus stop. I am not sure where this student obtained this jacket, but it certainly looks like it came from one of the cross country team.

Hello Sue,
Greetings from Farmington Hills, Michigan! Tonight I read your blog postings for the first time and found them fascinating. Your lovely photos and wonderful descriptions of your new life and home in Transilvania transport us to Romania. Reading all about your new life and new home is great fun. Please keep posting so we may experience with you. We'll be thinking of you. Take care -- Sue and Tom Johnson
Tom and Sue,
It is wonderful here, although it is a very different life from the one I am used to. Watch for Transylvania and Dracula's Castle later this week...
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