I don’t think I could have done this without lots of help from friends. Jim and Emma were tremendous. They helped to pack everything. They helped to move everything to a variety of locations. Nick helped to move everything. Jon seems to be of the mind that what he does not see it will not happen. I am rather surprised at his reaction. I will probably never understand my kids.
This Fulbright Exchange has allowed me to do some serious downsizing. I have numerous pieces of furniture and what-nots from my mom. They were all given to me with the thought that I would want them. And they came with instructions not to throw them away because she might want them back someday. Hasn’t happened yet, but I still have all of it because it is not worth my mother’s wrath to divest myself of them. Frankly, these pieces of furniture are not my style, but I can’t tell her no. I have taken these pieces for years. I have a piano I have not played since I was in high school back in the dark ages. I have end tables and chairs that I really don’t like. I have prints I am not supposed to part with. I really don’t want or need them. I have entirely too much stuff. It has been very freeing divesting myself of many of these articles. There are those who think I am not coming back because I have let so much go but really it was simply weighing me down. I will be happy to return to less stuff.
Jim and Deb have generously allowed me the use of a stall in their barn. I was sure it would be much more space than I would need. After all, how much space do thousands of books and kitchen items take up? Then thre are the slothes and the shoes. And the fabric and the projects, and the stamps. Been collecting them for over fifty years. I wasn’t keeping any furniture. I was getting rid of most of my excess baggage. Somehow, that is not really what happened in the end. Two factors. I ran out of time and had to start packing it all to sort next year when I get back. The garbage man probably hates me this week. I did well with my packrat tendencies, but I have a ways to go. I also really have a tough time getting rid of something useful – after all, I might be able to use it someday, or maybe someone else can. I think I have overflowed into a second stall. Sorry guys.
Getting disentangled from the many organizations I have involved myself with over the years has been cathartic. I have always had a tough time saying no. It seems that I keep taking on new projects. I did not realize how much I was doing until I started to undo it all. I have loads of time now. I have time to spend with my friends and family. I have tim
e to write. I have time to smell the roses.
I will certainly miss many of those groups and all of the people I have worked with over the years. I will be back. Walter – you are charged with keeping Ms G on keel. It is a big job, but I think your internship has shown that you can do it. Barb and Rachel will either have to visit or enjoy my trip vicariously.
I am looking forward to this year as a time of growth and new understandings. Certainly I will be forging some wonderful friendships. Not everyone has the chance to spend a year in a beautiful part of the world and not leave everything behind.
It is bittersweet, this adventure. I have always enjoyed traveling and find it exhilarating. I am leaving so many behind me though. Nick and Jon will be here for the winter holidays. That will be wonderful. I hope they enjoy it as much as I do. They will be here first to see where I am enjoying the beauties of nature. Then certainly the beaches of the Mediterranean in December will be grand. Who knows? They may decide to stay.

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