We had no reservations and so when we left the train station we found a cab whose driver knew of a wonderful pensiune where we could stay. The owner was a Japanese man who had married a Romanian woman and later was divorced. From the stories he tells it created quite a stir when he married her. He stayed o in the town and refurbished the Samurai Pensiune. It is clean, warm and inexpensive which was all we wanted.
He gave us directions to Terasa Ceasu'Rau, a traditional restaurant down the street. It was essentially an outdoor restaurant with a small bar where we ate. Many people ate at tables outside but we had had enough cold for one day. The food was grilled outside at a huge fire pit.
The morning was clear and crisp with icy temperatures. We spent the day visiting Bran and Rasnov and then headed back to the square to enjoy the early evening before our train left. There are ski resorts here and so there were people in ski attire, carrying their equipment here and there. We had dinner at a quaint Romanian restaurant and finally walked took a taxi back to the train station to head back to Gura Humorului. The train was cold this evening, even though we were in the number five car which is the one that is closest to the heater. We had a two hour layover in a freezing train station way in the north of Romania and finally arrived home at nine in the morning. I am used to the midnight trains but I don't
think the boys found it interesting at all. They were cold and uncomfortable. I am tall and it is hard to get comfortable in a full car, but they are a head taller than I am and a full c
ar was just miserable for them.
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