I arrived at the Fulbright Commission in Bucuresti to find a black car festooned with American flags. The Ambassador must be in attendance. I am not sure I have ever met an Ambassador before. We are all seated in a lovely colonial blue room with the U.S. Embassy website projected behind the speaker's table. The agenda is an all-day affair with many dignitaries in attendance. They all have very important information for us. It is interesting to hear what we do and don't have here. Ambassador Taubman talks about a Ford plant that will be built in Romania. The Romanian Under-Secretary of State and Minister of Education Dr Dimiru Miron tells us about how education is moving forward. The Romanian Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomes us. It is truly an honor to be welcomed by all these high-ranking government officials. After lunch, the head of U.S. Security regales us with a few stories of his time here. We are now all terrified of feral dogs on the streets and bears in the mountains. We are briefed on consular doings, the media, politics, economics, security, health issues, and given a virtual tour of the USA Center. Interestingly, Romania is home to 6000 bears which are half the bears in Europe. The Embassy crew is very friendly with anecdotes of their experience here. They have lots of advice for us to make our stay interesting and exciting, instead of a nightmare.
It has been a full day and we are ready for a reception that is hosted by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fulbright Commission. There are some logistics to be worked out and
then we are off. Vergil whisks us off to the Hotel Marshall which is an excellent venue for this evening. The first round of us pours into the lobby to wait for the rest of us to arrive. Soon most of us are here and we saunter into the reception room. Tiffany lamps shimmer in the twilight as we walk down the few steps to the high cocktail tables covered with white damask tablecloths. There is red and white wine waiting for us. At the other end of the room is enough food for an army. All sorts of delicious canapés and fresh veggies for munching. It is a feast fit for a king. Several of the dignitaries from the day's meetings are here and we launch into discussions, soon getting to know each other much better.
It turns out that there are twenty of us altogether in a variety of different Fulbright programs. We have come from many different areas of the University as well as many different areas in the U.S. geographically. There are graduate students researching their questions, professors here to share their expertise, Fulbrighters returning on different programs. There are spouses and friends of Fulbrighters, Embassy personal, both current and retired. There are those who keep the Commission on track now and from earlier times. It is a wonderful gathering of probably everyone in Bucuresti who has maintained ties with the Fulbright programs. I have made many new friends here this evening.
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