The Spring Meeting had been very fruitful and all was well until we got to the airport to go home. We were bumped to a later flight. While we waited for it we found a unique way to pass the time. We had been talking with a lady who works for the State Department and was on her way home to Wisconsin. She had been waiting for two days for a flight and was surprised to find that she would be going on this flight. As she was boarding, she asked us to do her a favor. Of course, we agreed; what else did we have to do in Hartford on a rainy Sunday morning? It had seemed so easy.

She handed us the keys, waved goodbye, and headed down the ramp. Always happy to do a favor, we toddled off to find the car. How hard could this be? Hartford is certainly a burg and short term parking is a small area. We walked from one end to the other and did not see a black SUV. We walked it again in case we had been busy talking and missed it, but there was no black SUV anywhere. We decided that maybe it wasn’t black and walked the lot one more time. This time we tried the doors to every SUV. I was sure we were going to be arrested for stealing a car. Everyone locks their car in Hartford. There was no SUV with an open door. We decided to try one last time. Keep in mind that we are hauling our luggage with us all this time and I am wearing a new pair on heels that had been comfortable until we decided to hike the parking lot a few times. We were starting to think this was not such a good idea.

This time we checked the front doors of every single car in the short term lot. We reached the other end of the lot once again rather discouraged when Jim cried out from his side, “Here it is!!” Note that it is, indeed, the next to the last car in the lot. It was NOT an SUV, but merely a very compact station wagon. No wonder it had been so hard to find. Maybe we have been living in the land of full size pickups for too long. I would never have considered this to be an SUV.
It took awhile to find the keys which were supposed to be under the mat. This is when we began to wonder about liability. We had both agreed to drive our own rental car and signed all the appropriate paperwork, but we had nothing to allow us to drive this one. Here we were faced with the possible ramifications of liability in case of an accident. We finally decided to wing and pray for the best. Jim decided to drive the car. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

We headed for the exit. She had given us a ten-dollar bill to pay for the parking, but, of course, it was not enough. We paid the difference and started looking for the rental agency. We went first to the one whe

Now we were off to return the black SUV. I got in and found it was already on empty. We should have asked for directions. Aren’t all rental agencies in a row at most airports? Almost. All but this one. We drove around for a bit and I wondered if there was enough gas. Once, it coughed and I thought I was done for. It was still pouring down. I didn’t relish the idea of running out of gas, especially as it wasn’t even our car.

Finally, we pulled into the lot and took the keys to the counter. It was the most implausible story. The girls at the counter took the keys after we related the crazy story of how we had acquired the car. Note that the black SUV is smaller than the compact car we had rented.

We spent the rest of the rainy day at the Mark Twain House. It is a most interesting complex that I am glad to have seen. Somehow it is not what I would have expected. I hadn’t realized he lived in Hartford. Somehow, I just assumed he lived his whole live near the Mississippi. The house is an arc
hitectural wonder. The rain came down in torrents, but that didn't dampen our spirits. Tiffany, as in Tiffany glass, was the architect. The money that was spent was enormous even then. Every modern convenience was installed. It would have been quite the place to visit in its heyday.